He also loves people. He is extremely socialized. Our social worker for our home study told us during the home study process that we shouldn’t overstimulate Adam when he gets home. Well, let’s just say that that didn’t work. Adam came home on a Thursday afternoon. By Sunday night, we’d had easily 30-40 people through the house. Adam did just fine. He loved everybody and everybody loved him … of course!
I spent 2 weeks at home after Adam came home and it was amazing. He is a joy and I cherished every moment with him. I am doing very well going back to work. I miss Adam, but we all do what we need to do and Larry is the stay-at-home-dad and I work outside the home. I call in a few times a day, but I am doing just fine. Larry and Adam enjoy going out to lunch. My second day back to work, I called Larry in the afternoon and our conversation went something like this …
Shana What did you guys do today?
Larry Let’s just say that Adam likes French fries.
Shana Where did he get French fries (we agreed on no fast food for as long as possible)
Larry Flannigans
Shana Tell me about your outing to Flannigans
Larry I packed up Adam, his lunch and the diaper bag and we went to Flannigans. We got a table and I fed him his lunch. I ordered wings and it came with fries. I don’t eat them, so I fed them to Adam. He loved them.
Everything feels completely normal. I don’t sit and think that this is all a dream. It all feels totally right and like it’s supposed to be just as it is. As Larry says, “it is what it is.” And right now, it’s wonderful.
Congratulations! What a beautiful little boy! I am so happy for you and am delighted that you are doing so well. Enjoy every moment with that precious little one!
Great update! Leeza ate REALLY well when she first came home too....but now...she is getting all "toddler picky" on us and she LOVES FRENCH FRIES. :)
I agree with you, it does feel completely normal having them home..but i still pinch myself a lot-i can't believe my Baby Kaz is home and so happy!!! I really give kudos to Kostanai for helping those kiddo's adjust so well...Leeza is really social too and so are most of the Kostanai kiddo's i've come to know and love. :)
So happy to hear he is doing so great-he sure is a cutie!!!
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